Poi Pancakes

These are as versatile as they are delicious. Light, flexible, pliable and a perfect disk for whatever is on the menu. Spread jam and butter, peanut or almond butter, goat cheese and red pepper jelly, tapenade etc etc. Best of all, when you think that leftover poi is no longer appetizing, it’s turned a pale purple color or you just prefer plain poi fresh, this is a great way to incorporate a local staple and let nothing go to waste! Here’s what you’ll need. Play with the spices any way you like. Enjoy!

  • 2 cups of leftover poi
  • 1/4 – 1/3 cup flour. Start with less, add more to thicken if necessary. Buckwheat is great and will keep these pancakes gluten free. Otherwise, spelt, whole wheat, all purpose, all work fine
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • cinnamon, ginger, turmeric, nutmeg etc are all delicious
  1. Mix flour, baking soda, salt and spices. Add egg to poi. Mix the two together and check for consistency. If too wet add more flour. If too dry, incorporate a tablespoon of water or milk by the tablespoon full.
  2. Heat a caster iron pan or heavy stainless steel pan with coconut oil, butter or any good high heat cooking fat. Cook on one side for 2.5-3 minutes, once flipped cook about half that time. Plate and keep warm with foil as you use the rest of the batter. Use more cooking fat as necessary.
  3. The finished product is more gooey in the center and crispy on the outside.